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Strategic Plan 2.0

BSU president Fred Clark smiling for the camera in a sunlit corridor

As we move into Strategic Plan 2.0, we will continue to advance the work of these five goals, but in a way that is evermore impactful as it builds on the major strides we took under our first strategic plan.

President's Welcome

When Bridgewater State University unveiled the first strategic plan of my presidency in 2018, I remarked that “Bridgewater State University is on the rise.” At that time, we could not foresee the tumultuous period that would follow, characterized by a global pandemic, racial unrest, threats to our democracy, and deep and persistent questioning of the value of higher education. Yet through it all, BSU never slowed down. We rose to meet every challenge while continuing to make tremendous progress in advancing the goals of Strategic Plan 1.0. Bridgewater continues to sail forward as the undeniable flagship of the Massachusetts state university system.

As we near the completion of Strategic Plan 1.0, we have achieved or made significant progress on most of the goals we set out to accomplish, and then some... Continue President's Welcome +


Five Strategic Goals

Graduate students celebrate after receiving degrees

Goal One

Focus resources and decisions on the overarching priority of student success.

Student success is the highest priority at Bridgewater State University. As the institution looks to 2028, its vision centers on a university-wide commitment to equity, access, and opportunity, building on demonstrated success in equitable achievement outcomes. Bridgewater State University will continue to be the leader in student success outcomes in its mission class, advancing its goals through data-informed decision making, program review, and strategic planning. The institutional plan aligns resources and decisions to help ensure degree completion, support student wellness, and provide access to high-quality, affordable education.

Commitment 1A1: Support the success of students, with a focus on:

  1. First-generation, college-going students
  2. Students of color
  3. Pell Grant eligible students
  4. Students with disabilities
  5. Veteran and military students
  6. LGBTQIA+ students
  7. Post-traditional students
  8. Transfer students

Commitment 1A2: Improve retention rates to include:

  1. First-year retention
  2. Fall-to-fall persistence

Commitment 1A3: Improve graduation rates including:

  1. The four-year graduation rate
  2. The six-year graduation rate
  3. The six-year completion rate
  4. The number of degrees offered and completed by students of color and all other identity groups.

Commitment 1A4: Adopt and advance the DHE Racial Equity Goals and defining metrics:

  1. Increase enrollment of students of color.
  2. Increase sense of belonging for students of color.
  3. Increase persistence to a second year of post-secondary education for students of color.
  4. Increase timely completion of gateway courses for students of color.
  5. Increase on-time credit completion for students of color.
  6. Increase transfer rates from community colleges to BSU for students of color.
  7. Increase degree/certificate completion for all students of color.
  8. Increase social and economic mobility among students of color.

Commitment 1A5: Build a data-informed, equity-focused strategic enrollment plan that (1) prioritizes prospective student markets and incorporates action plans for each market; (2) establishes priorities, best practices, and action plans for increasing retention; and (3) establishes enrollment targets on an annual basis. Plan would be evaluated and revised on an annual basis. The prospective student markets may include:

  1. First-year students, full-time students
  2. Transfer students
  3. Graduate students
  4. Continuing studies/post-traditional students
  5. Students of color
  6. Out-of-state students
  7. International students
  8. LGBTQIA+ students

Commitment 1A6: BSU will provide equity-minded retention practices intended to close institutional performance gaps.

  1. Disaggregated data will be provided to the campus community on a regular basis to help inform equity-minded retention practices.
  2. Scale retention scholarships for BSU students with financial need who have non-payment holds preventing their continued academic progress.
  3. Expand student success supports to students, including through academic and holistic advising.
  4. Enhance proactive outreach to students that have stopped out of their studies at BSU or have failed to register in a timely manner to help address obstacles to their course registration.
  5. The launching and utilization of EAB Navigate, BSU’s student success care coordination platform.
  6. Support the inclusion and belonging for students of color and LGBTQIA+ students attending BSU.

Objective 1A: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 1A1:

For these six identified groups, student success will be measured using the outcome measures identified for commitments 1A2 and 1A3.

Outcome Measure 1A2: (targets identified separately)
  1. Increase first-year retention rates for full-time, part-time, and new transfer students for each of the groups identified in 1A1.
  2. Increase fall-to-fall persistence rates for full-time, part-time, first-time, and new transfer students for each of the groups identified in commitment 1A1.
  3. Increase fall-to-fall persistence rates for full-time, part-time, first-time, and new transfer students for each of the groups identified in commitment 1A1.
Outcome Measure 1A3: (targets identified separately)
  1. Increase four-year graduation rates for full-time, part-time, first-time, and new transfer students for each of the groups identified in 1A1 and four-year completion rates for transfer students.
  2. Increase six-year graduation rates for full-time, part-time, first-time, and transfer students for each of the groups identified in 1A1.
  3. Increase six-year completion rates for full-time, part-time, first-time, and transfer students for each of the groups identified in commitment 1A1.
  4. Increase the number of degrees conferred to full-time and part-time, first-time and transfer students for each of the groups identified in commitment 1A1.
Outcome Measure 1A4:
  1. Documentation of increased enrollment of students of color.
  2. Documentation of increased sense of belonging for students of color.
  3. Documentation of increased persistence to a second year of post-secondary education for students of color.
  4. Documentation of increased timely completion of gateway courses for students of color.
  5. Documentation of increased on-time credit completion for students of color.
  6. Documentation of increased transfer rates from community colleges to BSU for students of color.
  7. Documentation of increased degree/certificate completion for all students of color.
  8. Documentation of increased students of color social and economic mobility.
Outcome Measure 1A5:
  1. Draft strategic enrollment plan.
  2. Present strategic enrollment plan to Cabinet for approval.
  3. Present strategic enrollment plan to Board of Trustees for review.
  4. Establish annual enrollment targets.
  5. Evaluate strategic enrollment plan and revise priorities, strategies, and action plans on an annual basis.
  6. Advance transfer and merit scholarship strategies.
Outcome Measure 1A6:
  1. Provide annual reports to the campus from Institutional Research offering disaggregated equity data focused on student outcomes with consultive support to apply this data to practice.
  2. Donor support will be sought to scale the number of students served through this equitable retention practice during the capital campaign.
  3. Demonstrate improved retention tied to initiatives and interventions.
  4. The percentage of students who register for courses subsequent to outreach will increase from 2023-2028.
  5. The percentage of students and departments using the platform to support the success of students will increase from 2024-2028.
  6. 1) An analysis of equity-minded, non-academic retention practices that support students of color and LGBTQIA+ students’ success will be completed by late 2024.
    2) Those not requiring additional institutional investment will be prioritized and implemented from 2024-2028.
    3) Recommendations will be offered to the President and his cabinet for potential investments to catalyze the retention of students from these identity groups no later than 2025.

Commitment 1B1: Create pathways to BSU for students in K-12 school systems through:

  1. Early College and dual enrollment
  2. EXCEL Program at Bridgewater University
  3. Gateway City-focused equity initiatives
  4. Outreach programs through centers such as Center for the Advancement of Stem Education (CASE), Children’s Physical Development Clinic (CPDC), and Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center (MARC)
  5. K-12 college immersion programs such as CASE

Commitment 1B2: Expand pathways to BSU from community colleges through:

  1. Broaden our reach through the Community College Initiative/CC2BSU to include additional partnerships
  2. The CONNECT partnership
  3. Other collaborative initiatives

Commitment 1B3: Invest in holistic equity-minded advising practices that advance student success.

Commitment 1B4: Create degree completion pathways for post-traditional learners including: degree programs that are career relevant and accessible; student support services available at times that fit student schedules; take advantage of innovative teaching modalities and co-curricular programming; and explore potential credit options for prior learning.

Commitment 1B5: As a student-ready campus, assure that students and employees have access to quality mental and physical health services.

Commitment 1B6: Serve as a destination institution for students across New England by:

  1. Building affordability and scholarship options
  2. Increasing flexibility in program and services delivery
  3. Improving the transfer process
  4. Providing general and program-specific marketing and outreach to students across New England.

Commitment 1B7: Building flexible learning and service environments that meet the needs of various populations of students, including in-person, online, hybrid, and high-flex options.

Commitment 1B8: Explore the future of service to the region through programming at:

  1. BSU Attleboro campus
  2. The BSU Flight Training Center
  3. Partnership sites such as the Hub in New Bedford
  4. Gateway communities’ school systems
  5. Cyber Range
  6. Photonics Lab

Objective 1B: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 1B1:
  1. Expand Early College and Dual Enrollment opportunities in BSU’s service region.
  2. Increase the number of students enrolled in the EXCEL Program and the diversity of experiences offered.
  3. Expand the number of Gateway Community- focused equity initiatives.
  4. Increase the number of external engagements initiated by centers and programs in Academic Affairs.
Outcome Measure 1B2:
  1. Increase the University’s engagement with Bristol, Massasoit, and Cape Cod Community Colleges.
Outcome Measure 1B3:
  1. Leverage the engagement with the Gardner Institutes’ Transforming the Foundational Postsecondary Experience to identify financial investment, professional development, and human resource strategies that will help fill existing gaps in BSU’s advising practice and improve student success as indicated through improvement in retention, persistence, graduation, and completion rates.
Outcome Measure 1B4:
  1. Increase the number of degree programs that integrate some internship, practica, fieldwork, or career-ready student learning outcomes.
  2. Collect information from students to enable BSU to ensure that student support services are available at times that they are most likely to use them.
  3. Implement innovative teaching modalities and co-curricular programming.
  4. Explore additional credit options for prior learning.
Outcome Measure 1B5:
  1. Increase access to quality mental and physical health services and programming for students and employees.
Outcome Measure 1B6:
  1. Increase scholarship options to improve affordability for students across New England.
  2. Leveraging the Gardner Institute engagement, explore methods that BSU could use to increase flexibility in program and student service delivery.
  3. Leveraging the Gardner Institute engagement, explore practices that BSU could use to improve our transfer process to benefit transfer students.
  4. Working with the Division of Enrollment, Marketing, and Communications, develop marketing and outreach materials/avenues to reach potential new students from across New England.
Outcome Measure 1B7:
  1. Evidence of varied learning and service options that meet the needs of each new class of students admitted to the University.
Outcome Measure 1B8:
  1. Evaluate the best uses for the BSU Attleboro location.
  2. Evaluate the improvement needs for the BSU Flight Training Center to improve the student experience in flight training.
  3. Explore ways to leverage partnership sites across the region to improve the University’s service to the region.
  4. Explore additional ways to engage with Gateway Community school systems.

Commitment 1C1: Focus on NECHE Accreditation five-year and full reviews.

  1. Prepare plans responsive to recommendations from NECHE resulting from the 2022 site visit team report as outlined in the 2023 letter regarding the status of BSU’s accreditation status.
  2. Maintain documentation tracking educational effectiveness using the NECHE E-series forms and the Data First forms in preparation for the five-year review.
  3. Launch and complete the self-study process for the five-year review due in Fall 2027.
  4. Monitor academic program delivery plans which may require Substantive Change Reports to NECHE prior to advertising and implementation.

Commitment 1C2: Advance an effective and inclusive institutional strategic planning and evaluation process with nested and customized planning for each division, college, department, and program.

  1. Using a nested strategic planning design, create and advance a structure which integrates the input and knowledge of key stakeholders in the planning, assessment, and improvement processes.
  2. Communicate and transmit information about institutional planning, assessment and improvement processes, and implementation outcomes to stakeholders including regular dissemination to the Board of Trustees, the President’s Cabinet, the Board of Higher Education, and the BSU community.
  3. Provide oversight of divisional, college, department, and program strategic outcomes and share outcomes regularly with the BSU community.

Commitment 1C3: Foster continuous assessment and improvement of student learning throughout their time at BSU.

  1. Clearly articulate and assess the expected student learning outcomes for every academic program, including the Core curriculum, and for co-curricular programs intended to impact student learning.
  2. Develop and implement consistent methods to ensure academic quality for all modalities of instruction: in-person, online, and hybrid.
  3. Develop improved data-informed decision-making strategies for educational effectiveness to be used to assist and support student success.
  4. Develop methods to transparently communicate expected program-level student learning outcomes to current and prospective students.
  5. Consider stating university-level student learning outcomes that are aligned with BSU’s aspirations for its students as stated through BSU’s mission, vision, and values.

Objective 1C: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 1C1:
  1. Develop and implement plans to address action items identified in the letter from NECHE in response to the 2022 comprehensive evaluation visit.
  2. Annually gather and update the educational effectiveness indicators required for NECHE annual reports, the five-year interim report, and the 2032 comprehensive self-study and subsequent site visit.
  3. Create and implement a research and writing plan for the NECHE five-year interim report to launch in fall 2026 and submitted by late August 2027.
  4. Collaborating with the deans, monitor program development process to provide sufficient time for any necessary substantive change reports which need to be submitted to NECHE.
Outcome Measure 1C2:
    1. Complete and adopt all divisional strategic plans based on BSU’s Strategic Plan 2.0 by December 2024.
    2. Complete and adopt all college and departmental strategic plans based on BSU Strategic Plan 2.0 and on divisional strategic plans by July of 2025.
    3. Complete a participatory BSU Strategic Planning 3.0 process by 2029, with adoption of the plan by the BSU Board of Trustees and by the Commonwealth’s Board of Higher Education.
    1. Provide bi-annual institutional, divisional, and interdivisional plans to the BSU Board of Trustees through the President’s Cabinet.
    2. Share BSU Strategic Plan 2.0 bi-annual reports and an outcomes dashboard on the BSU webpage, which will be updated at least two times per year.
    3. Provide regular updates to the BSU community through Town Hall Meetings and divisional meetings.
    1. Ensure that all divisional and college planning goals are updated and shared with stakeholders by December of 2025.
    2. Ensure that all divisions create an inclusive system of divisional, college, departmental, and program level implementation planning and dissemination by December of 2025.
Outcome Measure 1C3:
  1. Improve transparency of articulated student learning outcomes.
  2. Continue to improve the academic program review process and ensure consistent use of the process by all programs and all modalities of instruction.
  3. Leverage the Gardner Institute engagement to inform improved decision-making strategies to determine the effectiveness of BSU’s methods to assist and support student success.
  4. Leverage the Gardner Institute engagement to learn better strategies to transparently communicate the expected learning outcomes for each academic program to current and prospective students.
  5. Explore the feasibility of leveraging the student learning outcomes of the Core Curriculum program as the university-level student learning outcomes.

Commitment 1D1: Advocate for sustainable increases in, and ongoing maintenance of, a cost-informed state base appropriation. Important underfunded cost factors include: collective bargaining, fringe benefits, deferred maintenance, and equity initiatives.

Commitment 1D2: Focus on affordability, ensuring BSU remains financially accessible to students and their families including advocacy for increased state funding of financial aid considering the full cost of attendance.

Commitment 1D3: Target the combined impact of the following factors as the upper limit on tuition and fee increases: Boston region Consumer Price Index inflation rate, unsupported collective bargaining costs, and unsupported fringe benefit costs.

Commitment 1D4: Build and maintain operating cash reserves representing 10% of the Board of Trustee-approved operating expenditure budget.

Commitment 1D5: Prepare financial management structure and resources to address anticipated growth of grants and sponsored projects and restructure the Office of Grants and Sponsored Projects to expand institutional grant growth.

Commitment 1D6: Scale student services demonstrating effectiveness and strong return on investment.

Commitment 1D7: Create and communicate an inventory of affordability opportunities at BSU such as scholarships, graduate assistantships, international funding, and residential assistantships.

Objective 1D: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures1D1:

Annually calculate and disseminate the comparative state base appropriation per full-time equivalent undergraduate population for the 9 state universities.

Outcome Measures1D2:

Annual meetings with appropriate Department of Higher Education officials to demonstrate changing unmet need based on the full cost of attendance.

Outcome Measures1D3:

Annual calculation of the combined impact of our inflationary factors in assessing needed tuition and fee increases.

Outcome Measures1D4:

Annually calculate operating cash reserves and compare to total operating expenditures to measure the 10% goal.

Outcome Measures1D5:

Assess grant post-award processes and resources and make recommendations for modification by June 30, 2024.

Outcome Measures1D6:

Annually assess student navigator investment impact on retention and determine need to adjust resource commitment.

Outcome Measures1D7:

Develop three to six affordability examples that are specific to different student/family need levels and communicate through the admissions cycle. Update annually for recruiting purposes.

Commitment 1E1: Enable and advance the success of students, faculty, librarians, and staff though a current, reliable, and secure technology infrastructure to include:

  1. Invest in technologies that enhance online and hybrid course delivery.
  2. Upgrade all classroom and meeting spaces to support digital standards.
  3. Improve the University’s information security posture through regular investments in technological safeguards and security awareness training.
  4. Invest annually in technology infrastructure upgrades and improvements.

Commitment 1E2: Collaborate with faculty, librarians, academic leadership, and students to infuse technology into teaching and learning in ways that promote pedagogical innovations to include:

  1. Research, recommend, and adopt innovative technologies and solutions to increase enrollment, improve retention, and eliminate achievement gaps.
  2. Invest in technologies and infrastructure that enable and advance undergraduate research.
  3. Construct a minimum of one new active learning sandbox classroom.
  4. Hire a minimum of one new instructional designer.
  5. Construct the institution’s first cyber range and Security Operations Center (SOC).

Commitment 1E3: Cultivate strong cross divisional partnerships to improve IT service delivery, enrich communications, and advance digital transformation initiatives to include:

  1. Digitally transform the University by reimagining traditional business processes with an emphasis on operational efficiency and effectiveness.
  2. Focus on value delivery though the maturation of the IT Service Management Office.
  3. Enable data informed decision making at all levels of the institution by researching and adopting new data repository and analytical processing technologies.
  4. Research and implement a customer relationship management (CRM) solution to provide wrap around services to students.

Commitment 1E4: Foster an environment that will encourage and support innovation through risk informed decision making using an effective Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) strategy to include:

  1. Establish a sustainable ERM program to identify, evaluate, and mitigate risks.
  2. Through an ERM lens, establish a repeatable process to assist institutional leadership with evaluating new opportunities for consideration.
  3. Evaluate the possibility of adding an institutional risk manager position to lead ERM.

Objective 1E: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 1E1:
  1. Transition BSU to the Blackboard Ultra learning management system by May 20, 2024.
  2. Invest a minimum of $225,000 annually to upgrade all classrooms and meeting spaces.
  3. Hire a minimum of one new full-time cybersecurity analyst by July 1, 2025.
  4. Perform a full upgrade of BSU’s wireless network in all administrative buildings and residence halls by January 1, 2025.
Outcome Measure 1E2:
  1. Collaborate cross divisionally to research and document an artificial intelligence strategy by July 1, 2025.
  2. Explore in partnership with Division of Academic Affairs if Internet2 would further advance academic research by July 1, 2025.
  3. Partner annually with faculty, librarians, and students to inform future classroom and meeting space investments.
  4. Explore hiring an instructional designer in the Teaching and Technology Center by July 1, 2026.
  5. Open the BSU Cyber Range by June 30, 2024, and the BSU Security Operations Center by July 1, 2025.
Outcome Measure 1E3:
  1. Implement Ellucian Ethos to enhance data integrations across a diverse array of technology applications by July 1, 2026.
  2. Procure a cloud hosted enterprise service management tool for existing users and potentially new departments/divisions by July 1, 2025.
  3. Research and implement mature artificial intelligence tools to improve and automate university service delivery.
Outcome Measure 1E4:
  1. Conduct a benefits realization analysis on hiring an enterprise risk manager by July 1, 2025.
  2. Create an ERM Opportunities Analysis process to evaluate new institutional opportunities by July 1, 2026.
  3. Operationalize the ERM Opportunities Analysis process described above by July 1, 2027

Commitment 1F1: Expand outreach/marketing to traditional undergraduate students earlier in admissions funnel.

  1. Implement expanded search campaigns targeting high school sophomores and juniors.
  2. Enhance engagement of high school sophomores and juniors.
  3. Implement strategies for maximizing conversion of inquiries into applications.
  4. Annually evaluate possible barriers to prospective students who have inquired, but not applied and make necessary adjustments.

Commitment 1F2: Integrate new persona-based positioning and messaging, which were developed as part of an inclusive, university-wide process, into BSU’s admissions communications. Persona-based marketing divides your target audience (i.e., prospective students) into different profiles based on data on their demographics, traits, and interests, and develops messaging, imagery, and frequency of communications based on those profiles.

  1. Integrate BSU personas into undergraduate admissions collateral.
  2. Integrate BSU personas into Continuing Studies admissions collateral.
  3. Develop five separate admissions e-mail communication flows (with different but consistent messaging, imagery, frequency of messaging) based on the persona profiles of prospective students.
  4. Evaluate replacement of Ellucian Recruit admissions CRM in 2023-2024.
  5. Possibly implement replacement of Ellucian Recruit admissions CRM in 2024-2025.
  6. Infuse persona-based messaging, design, and photography into other BSU media, including website, social media, print, video, and emerging communications channels.

Commitment 1F3: Enhance marketing/advertising strategy and content creation.

  1. Work with Net Natives to develop a strategy that rebalances mix of brand awareness/recruitment and digital/traditional.
  2. Develop enhanced data and analytics for measuring and optimizing effectiveness of marketing campaigns, including more sophisticated attribution modeling throughout the admissions funnel.
  3. Enhance marketing copy writing, design, social media, and video content, including building additional internal capacity for digital and video content creation.
  4. Complete shift to a campaign-based marketing model, utilizing project management methodology, that fully integrates relevant BSU platforms as part of marketing and enrollment initiatives.

Commitment 1F4: Enhance content and user experience on BSU’s website – its most important marketing platform.

  1. Refresh website with persona-based messaging.
  2. Continue to utilize data, including web analytics and organic search, to evaluate and optimize web pages and to monitor organic search rankings.
  3. Augment landing pages tied to marketing campaigns.
  4. Focus on continuously improving user experience (UX), including website personalization.
  5. Develop processes for assuring data accuracy across externally facing BSU sites, as AI culls these sites to generate public content.
  6. Undertake process in 2025 for evaluating possible website redesign ( 3.0).
  7. If decision is made to go forward with website redesign, undertake process for redesigning in 2026-2027.

Commitment 1F5: Continue to align admissions and academics.

  1. Align academic, admissions, and marketing in support of prioritizing and supporting new and existing academic programs with strong demand, capacity for growth, and in-demand modality.
  2. Develop and implement strategies for further engaging faculty, librarians, and colleges in the admissions process.
  3. Explore utilizing learning outcomes and other external validation measures to promote understanding of academic quality and rigor.
  4. Continue to enhance content on academic program pages to promote Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and to meet evolving needs of prospective students.

Commitment 1F6: Implement university-wide strategy to promote and integrate BSUWorks into brand.

  1. Develop messaging platform and data to support BSUWorks.
  2. Build out more robust BSUWorks website and collateral.
  3. Integrate BSUWorks into marketing strategy

Commitment 1F7: Establish system to brand and coordinate student messaging across multiple platforms, with special focus on the period between deposit and enrollment.

  1. Complete audit of existing student communications between deposit and enrollment, including source, modality, frequency, and audience.
  2. Establish process for coordinating messaging across multiple platforms.
  3. Ensure consistent look and feel and integration of persona-based messaging into all communications regardless of which department is initiating communication.

Commitment 1F8: Assess and promote the awareness and reputation of BSU among external stakeholders by proactively disseminating information through BSU and non-BSU communications channels.

  1. Conduct regular reputational surveys to measure brand awareness and inform messaging and strategies.
  2. Develop more systematized media relations strategy.
  3. Continue to enhance crisis communications response capabilities.

Objective 1F: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 1F1:
  1. Search campaigns: Review data on monthly basis of number of students reached through search campaigns, open rate of emails, and number of responders, and make any necessary adjustments.
  2. Engagement: Review data on monthly basis of students joining ZeeMee platform and make any necessary adjustments.
  3. Inquiry to Application: Annually review and evaluate conversion rate of inquiries into applications and make any necessary adjustments.
  4. Inquiry to Application: Review data on monthly basis of number of students reached through AppCult campaigns, open rate of emails, and number of responders, and make any necessary adjustments.
Outcome Measure 1F2:
  1. Complete development of all new UG admissions materials.
  2. Complete development of all new Continuing Studies admissions materials.
  3. Develop separate CRM “communication flows” for five personas.
  4. Establish measures of effectiveness of five separate CRM “communication flows” (e.g., open rates) and evaluate annually.
  5. Complete process for evaluating possible replacement of Ellucian Recruit admissions CRM in 2023-2024.
  6. If decision is made to replace Ellucian Recruit admissions CRM, undertake process to implement new CRM in 2024-2025.
  7. Develop channel specific style guidelines informed by Carnegie findings.
  8. In 2025, evaluate social media, video, and website for consistency in persona-based messaging utilizing Carnegie’s brand and archetyping methodology.
Outcome Measure 1F3:
  1. Develop marketing/advertising strategy and campaigns on annual basis.
  2. Evaluate the effectiveness of each marketing campaign based on targets established in advance for each campaign.
  3. Deploy advanced analytics to measure campaign effectiveness throughout the admissions funnel.
  4. Monitor real-time data, feedback, and analytics to track campaigns in progress and provide end of campaign feedback to drive continuous improvement.
  5. Ensure that each marketing campaign has a corresponding social media strategy.
  6. Increase video production capacity for marketing campaigns.
Outcome Measure 1F4:
  1. Refresh website homepage and admissions-related pages with persona-based messaging, photographs, and video.
  2. Develop metrics for organic search results and web page rankings and implement regular process for evaluating Search Engine Optimization.
  3. Implement regular process of user testing of website.
  4. Complete process for evaluating website redesign in 2025.
  5. Undertake website ( redesign in 2026-2027.
Outcome Measure 1F5:
  1. Annually evaluate faculty and librarian-based admissions/recruitment strategies.
  2. Establish process for aligning faculty and librarian-based strategies with the Office of Admissions and Enrollment, Marketing, and Communications (EMComm).
  3. Web Communications and Office of Assessment will develop a strategy for utilizing learning outcomes to promote academic program effectiveness.
  4. Establish schedule/process for regularly reviewing academic program pages on website.
Outcome Measure 1F6:
  1. Develop summary of BSUWorks.
  2. Based on summary, revise BSUWorks webpages.
  3. Build testimonials for BSUWorks webpages and for the Office of Admissions.
  4. Integrate BSUWorks into Fall Open Houses and Spring Admitted Students Days.
  5. Integrate BSUWorks messaging into advertising campaigns.
Outcome Measure 1F7:
  1. Complete audit of student communications between deposit and enrollment.
  2. Develop mechanism for coordinating messaging.
  3. Establish branded templates for communications to ensure a consistent look and feel.
Outcome Measure 1F8:
  1. Determine regular schedule for repeating Carnegie survey to measure changes in brand awareness and reputation.
  2. Write and place 1-2 thought piece articles each year.
  3. Review and update crisis communications issue sheets/binder on biennial basis.

Commitment 1G1: Advance operational planning and implementation through assessment and evaluation.

  1. Analyze opportunities for alternatively sourcing services for efficiency and service improvement annually, including but not limited to: custodial, transit, emergency repair services, and printing/mail.
  2. In partnership with the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) and using BSU funding, create a scope of work leading to a contracted firm to facilitate advancing a comprehensive master plan that includes campus-wide facilities and grounds in 2024.
  3. Advance campus-wide capital improvements through accessibility upgrades in Tillinghast Hall, installation of an elevator in Hunt Hall, renovation of restrooms in Shea/Durgin Residence Halls, and renovations in Rondileau Student Union to accommodate the Student Accessibility Services by 2028.
  4. Complete implementation of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) 10-year Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plan in 2026 meeting all EPA directed MS4 reporting requirements.
  5. Advance a comprehensive parking plan including parking lot design development and new parking strategies for the Hale Street property, exploring a potential lease of parking spaces from the MBTA, and continuous improvement of transportation flow and roadway/sidewalk improvements in consultation with the Town of Bridgewater and Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) by 2028.
  6. Complete Facility Condition Assessment of all campus buildings, including those owned by the Foundation, by 2024.

Commitment 1G2: Advance prioritized capital projects, integrating equity and new work paradigm innovations into planning.

  1. Create move out logistics plan to support the construction phase for the Burnell renovation project with DCAMM in tandem with the design development, construction documentation, and bidding schedule, and prepare planning for spaces vacated due to Burnell occupancy and Burrill Office Complex demolition.
  2. Implement renovations of Tillinghast Hall kitchen and a multi-year accessibility plan by 2028.
  3. Planning and design for phased Department of Communication Studies relocation to Moakley Center including funding strategy assessment.
  4. Advance opportunities for residential hall space use and related improvements to furniture and equipment through annual reporting and a system of inspection.
  5. Assess and implement opportunities and solutions to space due to the new work paradigm.

Commitment 1G3: Partner and collaborate on funding opportunities.

  1. Identify, apply for, and secure state funding for major capital improvements and five-year critical repair projects as requested by DCAMM.
  2. Create a communications plan capitalizing on our strong relationship with DCAMM and the Massachusetts State College Building Authority (MSCBA) to actively seek additional funding opportunities.
  3. Continue improvements of the current Flight Training Center that meet accreditation requirements, study possible funding opportunities for a new Flight Training Center, and prepare for the need to issue a RFP for a new lease prior to 2024 reaccreditation.
  4. Implement relocation of Student Accessibility Services providing expanded space for both the Academic Achievement Center and Student Accessibility Services.
  5. Create a space for the College of Graduate Studies that is distinctive and serves the needs of students.
  6. Create additional space for Academic Achievement Center in the Maxwell Library after move of the College of Graduate Studies.
  7. Partner with the campus community to assure that campus space needs include best practices in the reservation of event spaces.

Commitment 1G4: Lead through excellence in service and innovation, with a focus on sustainability and user satisfaction.

  1. In partnership with DCAMM and the Department of Environmental Resources (DER), continue to explore possible energy conservation improvement strategies annually, including the development of utility cost trend analysis and development of demand response protocols.
  2. In partnership with the campus community, identify and implement a bi-annual dining continuous improvement plan, including quality control inspections and inventory audits.
  3. Building on the Sightlines customer service survey administered in fall of 2019, gather data to complete an assessment of Facilities Management customer service in 2024.
  4. In partnership with the Divisions of Academic Affairs and Information Technology, identify and implement expanded opportunities for access to open educational resources and improvement of the textbook adoption process leveraging the Follett bookstore contract.
  5. Provide monitoring, maintenance, and repairs in an ongoing basis at the additional instructional locations, maintaining level of service equal to the main campus.
  6. In partnership with the Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Communications, and Finance, capture and communicate environmental and financial sustainability efforts and outcomes.
  7. Enhance public access to space data through the Capital Planning Intranet site.

Objective 1G: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 1G1:
  1. Annually create year-end report that documents analyses for alternative sourcing for service efficiency and service.
  2. (1) Advance the master plan by transfer of funds to DCAMM after contract is signed with Goody Clancy and Associates. (2) Complete the master plan by end of calendar year 2024.
  3. Maintain ongoing report of improvement opportunities sought and annually prioritize this list of opportunities.
  4. Annual submission of the plan to EPA and annual stakeholders informational meeting.
  5. Complete comprehensive transportation and parking plan as a component of the master plan which is planned for completion by the end of calendar year 2024.
  6. Facility Condition Assessment Reports by end of 2024 calendar year.
Outcome Measure 1G2:
  1. DCAMM schedule indicates Burnell renovation design moves to bid by January 2025, and to contract and to phased construction for start of December 2027.
  2. Construction of Tillinghast accessibility project to begin spring of 2024, and design of successive phase will commence 12 months later, spring of 2025.
  3. The Department of Communication Studies phase one design would commence no sooner than July 2025, based on DCAMM Major Capital Project application round.
  4. In partnership with MSCBA and Residence Life and Housing, procure and install new furniture and equipment annually as outlined in the five-year plan.
  5. An assessment report and resulting policies and procedures to be recommended to Cabinet by January 2025.
Outcome Measure 1G3:
  1. Submit Major Capital Request applications to DCAMM as required in December of 2025 and secure DCAMM funding for five-year critical repair projects.
  2. Attend quarterly DCAMM Massachusetts Facilities Management Association (MAFMA) meetings to develop succession relationships with current and past campus colleagues.
  3. Inventory flight center improvements to be aligned with accreditation requirements and assess criteria of DCAMM leasing RFP as needed.
  4. Develop specific plan with timeline for the anticipated duration of design and construction documents for expanded Academic Achievement Center (AAC), to be in process or completed by the time of the relocation of the College of Graduate Studies.
  5. Under the Foundation’s management, design and construction of new home for the College of Graduate Studies to be complete in the academic year 2024-2025.
  6. Data collection by Center for Student Engagement and University Events and equity-minded analysis by third party after academic year 2023-2024.
Outcome Measure 1G4:
  1. Produce annual energy consumption reports, implement improved metering, and enhance response program.
  2. Produce annual client expectation meeting and annual Sodexo reports.
  3. Administer automated Brightly (SchoolDude) Customer Survey and evaluate data every semester.
  4. In partnership with Academic Affairs, University Services to implement appropriate systems to allow use of Open Educational Resources (OER) for the fall registration of 2025.
  5. Conduct annual inspections and reports by location using SchoolDude.
  6. Partner with the Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Communications on an annual report template and annual reporting.
  7. Build Space database of all university buildings and post to the Capital Planning intranet site by July 1, 2024, and annually update and maintain.

Commitment 1H1: Develop and execute a comprehensive plan and timeline for the Without Exception Campaign for Student Success through Innovation.

  1. Present plan and timeline to the University leadership by March 2024.
  2. Set annual campaign fundraising goals for the duration of the campaign.
  3. Update and adjust campaign plan and timeline at the close of each fiscal year for the duration of the comprehensive campaign.

Commitment 1H2: Create lifelong relationships with the University’s 80,000 alumni and friends through meaningful engagement opportunities that cement lifelong bonds between individuals and the institution.

  1. Meet alumni where they are by refining existing alumni committees, councils, and leadership boards to better serve a diverse and varied alumni body.
  2. Provide new graduates with the opportunities to continue to contribute time, talent, and/or treasure to the University as newly minted alumni.
  3. Partnering with the Division of Outreach and Engagement, create an alumni mentorship program to reengage alumni and provide BSU students with a valuable resource to help them prepare for life after graduation.

Commitment 1H3: Acquire, reactivate, and retain annual giving and leadership level donors.

  1. Promote Sponsor-A-Student program to move annual fund donors to leadership level donors of $1,000+.
  2. Introduce incentivized giving strategies into our annual crowdfunding campaigns to encourage individual stretch gifts and support the affinity group participation in the build-out of endowed funds.
  3. Leverage MA state match endowment incentive to attract donors at the endowed fund level of $25,000+.

Commitment 1H4: Continue to identify, cultivate, and solicit major and planned giving prospects.

  1. Create a multi-tiered campaign gift pyramid, develop individual donor strategies, and schedule visits with identified campaign prospects to secure campaign gifts.
  2. Develop a multi-year corporate donor strategy and engagement timeline.
  3. Develop, create, and market planned giving opportunities to our alumni base of 80,000.

Commitment 1H5: Continue to identify, solicit, and secure grants to support BSU student-centered initiatives by securing grants from private and corporate foundations.


Objective 1H: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 1H1:

Create and present quarterly and cumulative year-end dashboard of Alumni and Development campaign activity to the University leadership.

Outcome Measure 1H2:

Increase total number of engaged alumni by 10%.

Outcome Measure 1H3:

Increase total number of fully endowed funds by 10%.

Outcome Measure 1H4:

Increase multi-year pledges and documented planned gift intentions by 10%.

Outcome Measure 1H5:

Increase the number of private grants flowing through the BSU Foundation by 10%.

undergraduate biology lab

Goal Two

Provide a teaching and learning environment with exceptional educational opportunities for intellectual, creative, and professional growth.

Bridgewater State University fosters a supportive teaching and learning environment, empowering students to achieve their educational, professional, and personal goals through excellence in academic and student affairs programming. Exceptional faculty, librarians, and staff lead the University’s commitment to students through innovative curricular offerings and high-impact practices. The institution is deeply committed to a liberal arts education as an underpinning of the teaching and learning environment. Bridgewater’s rich academic environment advances and leads opportunities for undergraduate and graduate student growth, life-long learning, and success.

Commitment 2A1: Provide opportunities for faculty, librarians, and staff to lead through innovation.

  1. Provide funded opportunities for innovation and development that support the creation of new academic offerings as well as a wide range of credentials through pilot and experimental programs.
  2. Invest in expanding selected successful innovation programs and projects to include equipment, facilities, staffing, grant management, and sustainable funding.
  3. Advance design thinking in innovation, including the voice of students and other stakeholders in the creation of innovative programming.

Commitment 2A2: Advance innovative, equitable, and impactful curricular programs with clear learning outcomes to include:

  1. Undergraduate and graduate programs with pathways to careers and career advancement.
  2. Exploration of a School of Health Sciences aligned with the creation of new and revitalized academic offerings.
  3. Exploration of a School of Fine and Performing Arts to further support students and serve the region.
  4. Establish a Racial Justice Center, housed within the Division of Academic Affairs, which will serve as a hub to connect the work of the University related to racial justice, including the implementation of appropriate recommendations from the President’s Special Task Force on Racial Justice.
  5. Encourage growth of Aviation Management undergraduate and Uncrewed Aviation System certificate programs with a special emphasis on equitable access.
  6. Continue to promote programs central to the liberal arts with an emphasis on quality, innovation, career preparation, and community impact.
  7. Exploration of new professional development, certificate, and non-credit options with an emphasis on serving post-traditional, veteran and military, and graduate students.
  8. Establish a hub for interdisciplinary studies programs within the University structure that supports the growth, visibility, and impact of interdisciplinary learning and scholarship.

Commitment 2A3: Build innovation and impact through the Core Curriculum helping students more clearly understand the purpose of the Core as a defining part of a Bridgewater education.

Commitment 2A4: Support growth in external funding by expanding sponsored project management resources.

Commitment 2A5: Explore prior learning options and opportunities for post-traditional students.

Objective 2A: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures2A1:
  1. Continue to fund innovation grants for projects that help to expand development of new academic offerings.
  2. Through the annual budget process, advance funding support for successful innovation programs and projects that help advance teaching, learning, and scholarship.
  3. Explore methods to advance design thinking in innovation to include students and stakeholder voices in the development of innovation programming.
Outcome Measure 2A2:
  1. Increase the number of undergraduate and graduate programs with pathways to careers and career advancement.
  2. Explore development of a School of Health Sciences.
  3. Explore development of a School of Fine and Performing Arts.
  4. Establish a Racial Justice Center within Academic Affairs.
  5. Advance work that will encourage growth of the undergraduate Aviation Management and Uncrewed Aviation System certificate programs.
  6. Continue emphasis on the centrality of the liberal arts through the Core Curriculum and academic majors.
  7. Explore programs that will better serve post-traditional, veteran and military, and graduate students.
  8. Create plan for and engage an interdisciplinary studies “hub” by fall 2025.
Outcome Measure 2A3:
  1. Assess student understanding of the role of the Core at multiple points in their education pathway at the University.
Outcome Measure 2A4:
  1. Improve the capacity to successfully seek more external grants by increasing staffing support.
Outcome Measure 2A5:
  1. Explore ways that prior learning can be credited for post-traditional students.

Commitment 2B1: Create a plan for an Honors College that integrates equity and innovation as core principles.

Commitment 2B2: Continue to be a national andinternational leader in undergraduate research.

Commitment 2B3: Enhance and strengthen graduate research opportunities.

Commitment 2B4: Continue to emphasize the value of global engagement by:

  1. Increasing access through affordable programs and scholarship support.
  2. Reimagining service-focused international programs.
  3. Providing further opportunities for international undergraduate and graduate students at BSU and online in partnership with other institutions of higher learning.
  4. Create classroom experiences at BSU that integrate international engagement.

Commitment 2B5: Create and advance an integrated educational and career pathway that aligns international engagement, BSUWorks, and high-impact practices.

Objective 2B: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 2B1:

Conduct a feasibility study and plan the necessary steps to create an Honors College.

Outcome Measure 2B2:

Continue to expand opportunities for students to work with faculty and librarians in undergraduate research.

Outcome Measure 2B3:

Expand research opportunities and participation at the graduate level.

Outcome Measure 2B4:
  1. Pursue external funding to supplement internal funding sources to support Bridgewater student participation in study abroad opportunities.
  2. Explore ways to incorporate meaningful, mission-centered, service-focused international programs.
  3. Increase opportunities for international undergraduate and graduate students to pursue their education at BSU in-person and online in partnership with other institutions.
  4. Expand the opportunities for BSU students to participate in Cooperative Online International Learning (COIL) courses.
Outcome Measure 2B5:

Form a working group to include: global engagement, BSUWorks, and high-impact practices to discuss how to better integrate their work for the benefit of BSU students.

Commitment 2C1: Enhance faculty and librarian development programming, drawing on the strengths of all divisions of the University.

  1. IIncrease number of faculty and librarian submissions to the University’s online quality assurance programs.
  2. Emphasize the creation of a number of faculty and librarian development workshops that enhance student learning and provide specific learning outcomes, deliverables, and impacts.
  3. Increase the number of faculty and librarian development offerings focused on developing cost-effective educational materials for our students including Open Education Resources.

Commitment 2C2: Continue to fund the various internal faculty/librarian grants awarded through the operating budget of the University including the Center for Advancement of Research and Scholarship (CARS), Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL), Martin Richard Institute for Social Justice (MRISJ), and other faculty and librarian-led faculty and librarian development programs.

  1. Advance a positive budgetary trajectory for internal grants in relation to the number of fulltime faculty and librarians.
  2. Create and share an annual report of the outcomes of each of the grant programs.

Commitment 2C3: Continue to collaborate with faculty and librarians to make strategic investments in advancements that enhance teaching, learning, scholarship, and creative activities.

  1. Continue to support workshops and critical dialogue on technological developments in higher education.
  2. Continue to support faculty and librarians as they integrate global learning into courses, curriculum, and programs.
  3. Increase the total amount invested in technology to advance teaching, learning, scholarship, and creative activities.

Commitment 2C4: Engage and support scholarship and creative activities that contribute to the knowledge of disciplines or build connectivity across disciplines.

  1. Advance engagement of faculty and librarians in work that advances discipline specific or interdisciplinary knowledge.
  2. Advance participation in innovative scholarship and creative activities.
  3. Support work/life integration that allows for production of scholarship and creative work.
  4. Provide funding opportunities for scholarly and creative activity across disciplines.

Objective 2C: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures2C1:
  1. Document increased numbers of faculty and librarian submissions.
  2. Create coordinated faculty and librarian development programming that will enhance student learning with focused learning outcomes, deliverables, and impacts.
  3. Document the number of faculty/librarian development opportunities focused on ways of reducing the cost of educational materials while maintaining academic quality.
Outcome Measure 2C2:
  1. Move toward proportionately appropriate faculty and librarian development operating budgets that align with costs and the number of full-time faculty.
  2. Create and share an annual report of the outcomes of each of the internal faculty and librarian grant programs.
Outcome Measure 2C3:
  1. Track the number of faculty and librarian development dialogues and workshops focused on new technological developments.
  2. Monitor the total investment in technology specifically advancing teaching, learning, scholarship, and creative activities.
Outcome Measure 2C4:
  1. Encourage continued engagement by faculty and librarians in their academic disciplines.
  2. Create opportunities for faculty and librarian participation in innovative scholarship and creative activities.
  3. Provide time that allows production of scholarship and creative activities.
  4. Monitor the amount of funding budgeted, and through external grants, to support scholarly and creative activities across disciplines.

Commitment 2D2: Provide opportunities for all students to participate in Life Design and career preparation programs.

Commitment 2D3: Create opportunities for students to engage in internships, practica, service learning, community service, and co-op experiences.

  1. Provide opportunities for 1,000-funded internships annually.
  2. Build student professional apprenticeship opportunities at BSU and in collaboration with community partners.

Commitment 2D4: Develop a coordinated universitywide student employment program that focuses on acquiring skills and knowledge in preparation for career, building on regional workforce development needs and advancing economic development.

Commitment 2D5: Build relationships with employers to advance career pathways, that advance regional economic development.

Commitment 2D6: Promote programming in partnership with alumni to advance career pathways.

Commitment 2D7: Explore and advance restructuring of Outreach and Engagement to best meet the needs of students and regional workforce needs.

Commitment 2D8: Communicate outcomes of career planning and student success in career planning and acquisition.

Commitment 2D9: Continue to align academic programs with workforce demand in a creative, innovative, and sustainable manner, especially where there is existing capacity for enrollment growth.

Commitment 2D10: Identify departments and programs with existing BSUWorks-related initiatives and expand and build upon these models.

Objective 2D: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 2D1:
  1. By June 2024, publish (on website and market via social media outlets) a visual, interactive tool to describe high-impact practices available to students at BSU, including a definition and examples of opportunities for students.
  2. By June 2024, describe, list, and explain importance of career readiness competencies as outlined by professional organizations such as National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), and the National Association for Campus Activities (NACA).
Outcome Measure 2D2:
  1. Embed Life Design into Career and Internship advising appointments, starting spring 2024 semester.
  2. In June 2024, evaluate assessment data from “Designing Your BSU” seminar courses (running in fall 2023) that use Life Design in the curriculum design.
  3. Review data from summer 2023 pilot program to build and implement Life Design @BSU during Check Point (June 2024) and Orientation modules (August/September 2024).
Outcome Measure 2D3:
  1. To reach 1,000 funded internships annually, develop a plan by June 2024 to support 700 internships funded by the BSU Foundation; secure 200 internships funded by employers; and 100 internships supported by grant funding.
  2. Establish and implement a plan, with quantitative targets, to increase apprenticeships by fall 2024.
Outcome Measure 2D4:
  1. Define and measure the domains of skill acquisition and learning outcomes in student employment with an eye toward skills that employers desire by June 2025.
  2. Create a system for reflection on skill acquisition through student employment and coaching toward career applicability by June 2025.
  3. Audit current student employment positions for responsibilities, tasks, and learning outcomes; survey students and supervisors by June 2026.
  4. Develop pilot programs to evaluate assumptions and prepare assessment strategies,forms/templates, training, and student reflection approaches to eventually scale to university-wide adoption every year.
Outcome Measure 2D5:
  1. Assess current list of employer partners to determine strength of relationship across Colleges, Career Services and Internship Office, MRISJ, and Office of Alumni and Development by June 2024, and determine gaps in employer relationships by major/industry sector.
  2. Create employer engagement plan by January 29, 2025, to connect with new employers, encouraging recruitment activity and engagement on campus with students and faculty/librarians.
  3. Hire assistant director of employer engagement by May 2024.
Outcome Measure 2D6:
  1. In partnership with Alumni Relations, create a pilot mentoring program based on career interests for implementation in spring 2024 semester.
  2. Reinstate the “BSU to Boston” road trip in spring 2024 in collaboration with the Ricciardi College of Business and Alumni Relations where students will meet with alumni at major corporations in Boston.
  3. Launch “BSU to Cambridge” in spring 2024 in collaboration with the Bartlett College of Science and Mathematics.
Outcome Measure 2D7:

Evaluate current reorganization of the Career Services and Internship Office at end of March 2024.

Outcome Measure 2D8:

Create an online newsletter for campus constituents and alumni, with first edition by January 2024, and use content for website (intranet and extranet) and social media postings.

Outcome Measure 2D9:
  1. Create an advisory board (mission, purpose, and goals) with academic deans and key employer partners and hold the first meeting by September 2024.
  2. Explore a Co-Op/Professional Apprenticeship model for the Ricciardi College of Business and the Bartlett College of Science and Mathematics by April 2025.
  3. Develop a mechanism to encourage submission of innovative growth ideas from students, faculty, librarians, staff, alumni, and employers by February 2025.
  4. Through informal conversations with students, gather information about employers they want participating in on-campus recruitment activities by January 2025.
Outcome Measure 2D10:

Document collaboration with departments on identifying and expanding existing programming by January 2026.

Commitment 2E1: Develop student learning objectives for the co-curricular experience with a focus on student success and persistence.

  1. Define domains of co-curricular learning such as life skills, engaged citizenship, civility, institutional pride, sense of belonging, welcoming environment, student leadership, career preparation, interpersonal communication, social awareness, and social justice.
  2. Audit and map current co-curricular learning at BSU.
  3. Create a developmental curriculum for the co-curricular experience.
  4. Create an electronic repository for the totality of the co-curricular experience.
  5. Determine how co-curricular learning objectives will be measured and assessed.
  6. Through the leadership of a cross-divisional steering committee, implement co-curricular learning and experiences.

Commitment 2E2: Develop a first semester and/or year experience at BSU to provide the proper foundation for future success and persistence.

  1. Map the domains of co-curricular learning during the first semester and/or year.
  2. Create a developmental curriculum for the first semester and/or year.
  3. Audit the current first semester and first-year experience at BSU.
  4. Map opportunities outside of the classroom to enhance first semester student awareness of campus resources.

Commitment 2E3: Define and assess undergraduate and graduate student engagement at BSU to enhance sense of belonging, help students find their place in the community, develop a sense of purpose, and find success/persistence.

  1. Conduct a benchmarking survey on student engagement that includes comparisons with peer institutions and national data.
  2. Develop a university definition of student engagement.
  3. Determine strategies to engage those students who want to be engaged.
  4. Assess, coordinate, and connect peer ambassador/mentor/influencer programs at BSU.
  5. Create a student communications steering committee to steer strategy and mediums.
  6. Develop a robust mission for the Center of Student Engagement as a nexus for student engagement strategies and best practices at BSU.
  7. Develop a five-year plan for increasing student engagement through clubs and organizations, fraternity, and sorority life, etc.
  8. Consider how to leverage virtual events and online services to enhance engagement.

Commitment 2E4: Refresh spaces from a student-centered perspective to increase a sense of welcome, belonging, institutional pride, and foster community.

  1. Develop a style guide in coordination with the Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Communications, that can ensure finishes/furnishings/signage convey BSU to the campus community. Leverage Space Committee to vet proposed projects.
  2. Develop creative ways to convey belonging to our commuter students in exterior spaces such as parking lots and spaces on the periphery of campus.
  3. Share BSU value statement, University motto, BSU Fight Song, and Bristaco visually throughout campus spaces.
  4. Implement strategies to convey philanthropy to students.
  5. Review Food Pantry space(s), accessibility to support food-insecure students.
  6. Review Bear Essentials’ space for access, awareness, and upkeep.
  7. Create an audit of residence hall lounge space, furniture, refresh opportunities, and priority list for residential students.

Commitment 2E5: Define and assess student holistic well-being at BSU to enhance focus on life-long learning that promotes persistence and success through sustaining optimal health, personal connectedness, meaningful experiences, and purpose.

Objective 2E: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 2E1:
  1. Documentation of defined domains of co-curricular learning such as life skills, engaged citizenship, civility, institutional pride, sense of belonging, welcoming environment, student leadership, career preparation, interpersonal communication, social awareness and social justice by June 2025.
  2. Audit and map of current co-curricular learning at BSU by June 2025.
  3. Documentation and implementation of a developmental curriculum for the co-curricular experience by June 2027.
  4. Demonstration of electronic repository for the totality of the co-curricular experience by June 2027.
  5. Develop, implement, and evaluate comprehensive assessment framework for co-curricular learning objectives.
  6. Creation of a cross-divisional steering committee, comprised of representation from areas that work in the co-curricular experience, to drive these efforts.
Outcome Measure 2E2:
  1. Map of the domains of co-curricular learning during the first semester and/or year by June 2025.
  2. Creation of a developmental curriculum for the first semester and/or year by June 2024.
  3. Audit framework of the current first semester and first-year experience at BSU by June 2025.
  4. Map of opportunities outside of the classroom to enhance first semester student awareness of campus resources by June 2025.
Outcome Measure 2E3:
  1. Conduct a benchmarking survey on student engagement that includes comparisons with peer institutions and national data by December 2025.
  2. Develop a university definition of student engagement by June 2026.
  3. Determine strategies to engage those students who want to be engaged by June 2026.
  4. Assess, coordinate, and connect peer ambassador/mentor/influencer programs at BSU by June 2027.
  5. Create a student communications steering committee to steer strategy and mediums by June 2025.
  6. Develop a robust mission for the Center of Student Engagement as a nexus for student engagement strategies and best practices at BSU by June 2024.
  7. Develop a five-year plan for increasing student engagement through clubs and organizations, fraternity, and sorority life, etc. by June 2027.
  8. Consider how to leverage virtual events and online services to enhance engagement by June 2027.
Outcome Measure 2E4:
  1. Complete style guide that can ensure finishes/furnishings/signage convey BSU to the campus community. Leverage Space Committee to vet proposed projects by June 2027.
  2. Implement innovations to convey belonging to our commuter students in exterior spaces such as parking lots and spaces on the periphery of campus by June 2027.
  3. Displays of BSU value statement, University motto, BSU Fight Song, and Bristaco appropriately represented visually throughout campus spaces by June 2026.
  4. Implement strategies to convey philanthropy to students by June 2028.
  5. Improvements to Food Pantry space(s), accessibility to support food-insecure students by June 2027.
  6. Optimization of Bear Essentials’ space for access, awareness, and upkeep by June 2026.
  7. Complete audit of residence hall lounge space, furniture, refresh opportunities, and priority list for residential students by June 2025.
Outcome Measure 2E5:
  1. Adoption of common definition of student well-being, incorporating safety and access to basic needs and with considering dimensions of mental, physical, social, financial, career, spiritual, and environmental health by June 2024.
  2. Catalogue of and completed assessment of current student well-being offerings by June 2025.
  3. Develop/define collaborative interdivisional model-structure for a collaborative and holistic approach to student well-being that addresses health inequities.
Dr. Susan Eliason, Dr. T. Kevin McGowan, Dr. Castagna Lacet, Dr. Christina Hodel and Prof. Joseph Doyle at the Awards for Academic Excellence

Goal Three

Enhance and enrich the employee experience in support of the strategic priorities of the University.

Bridgewater State University believes that institutional accomplishments are rooted in and strengthened by its employees. The University supports all facets of the employee experience – recruitment, retention, performance, professional development, engagement, and wellness – and will continue to invest in its faculty, librarians, and staff.

Commitment 3A1: Advance equity-minded hiring and employment practices.

  1. Enhance and refine training programs which will continue to improve equity-minded hiring practices.
  2. Identify, develop, and implement equityminded employment practices and strategies.
  3. Use data to inform equity-minded human resources and talent management planning and processes.
  4. Ensure compliance with all institutional equity policies and procedures.

Commitment 3A2: Cultivate partnerships with Human Resources and Talent Management (HRTM); Student Success, Equity, and Diversity; Student Accessibility Services; Disability Resources; Equal Opportunity, and other associated offices to expand:

  1. Professional development programming.
  2. Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Certification.

Commitment 3A3: Develop employee resources groups (ERGs) and programming to improve employee morale, well-being, engagement, and retention.

Objective 3A: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 3A1:
  1. Equity-Minded Hiring Workshop is reviewed annually; slide deck modifications are documented to demonstrate improvements and enhancements; slide decks will be identified in numerical version format to reflect the updated version.
  2. At least one best practice, equity-minded employment strategy, will be identified and a proposal – inclusive of required resources and an implementation plan – will be drafted and submitted for approval.
  3. HRTM meets three times per year to review HR-related data (demographic information, survey responses, exit interviews, search, and hiring data) to inform equity-minded planning and practice.
  4. An audit process is developed to ensure compliance with institutional equity policies and procedures. Findings through this process can also inform Equity-Minded Hiring Workshop modifications and equity-minded employment strategies.
Outcome Measure 3A2:
  1. Key participants from each division/department identified; monthly meetings scheduled to assess institutional professional development needs; at least one professional development plan will be proposed each year.
  2. Application for HEED Certification submitted through the Insight into Diversity HEED application process.
Outcome Measure 3A3:
  1. An ERG proposal is approved, and the University has active ERGs established on campus to provide an inclusive and welcoming environment and to support the belonging and retention of employees.

Commitment 3B1: Integrate BSU values into our work, programs, and relationships.

  1. Redesign job descriptions so that BSU values are reflected and position responsibilities directly correlate to BSU values.
  2. Provide opportunities for employees to engage with colleagues and the community in meaningful ways which emulate University values.
  3. Increase engagement of staff to improve the employee experience.

Commitment 3B2: Offer professional development for all staff that aligns with BSU values.

  1. Create specialized training for managers and supervisors that includes technical skills as well as soft skills, leadership skills, and emotional intelligence training.
  2. Create training for front-line staff that integrates skills such as customer service, managing up, and soft skills.
  3. Use a variety of professional development tools to meet the needs of specific positions and of employee learning preferences.

Commitment 3B3: Continue to foster positive and collaborative partnerships with employee unions.

  1. Meet regularly with employee union leadership to identify and promote shared values and commitments.
  2. Participate in retreats or information sessions as appropriate to jointly advance key initiatives.

Commitment 3B4: Utilize employee engagement practices to better the employee experience.

  1. Uphold BSU as an employer of choice by promoting best place to work themes.
  2. Use employee engagement surveys to inform programming, services, and outcomes.
  3. Create a promotional video for employee recruitment.

Commitment 3B5: Support new work paradigm best practices to promote a positive workplace culture.

Commitment 3B6: Advance and incentivize innovation in the workplace.

  1. Build training programs to promote institutional innovation.
  2. Create opportunities and spaces for innovation.
  3. Build a Presidential Innovation Awards program.

Objective 3B: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 3B1:
  1. New job description template and job description resource document is implemented to assist with redesigning job descriptions to include equity-minded language and BSU values.
  2. BSU employees participate in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ SERV program annually. Other campus programs that allow employees to participate in social justice opportunities are identified.
  3. Energage survey data is used by HRTM and university divisions to develop one goal each year which enhances and/or improves employee engagement.
Outcome Measure 3B2:
  1. Current partnerships like the CONNECT Consortium, the Executive Leadership Institute (ELI), and others are utilized to offer leadership development opportunities in an inclusive and equity-minded manner.
  2. Talent Development collaborates with departments to learn their business processes and customer experiences; department-specific customer service trainings, policies, and procedures that are inclusive of BSU values are developed.
  3. Professional development is provided to employees each year in varying modalities meeting the needs of employee learning preferences; tools such as LinkedIn Learning and memberships with professional organizations such as the Association of Talent Development (ATD) are utilized.
Outcome Measure 3B3:
  1. The VP/HRTM and the Director of Employee and Labor Relations meet monthly with leaders from both the AFSCME and APA unions.
  2. Identified projects and collaborations result in an improved employee experience and improved morale:
    • Facilitation of an AFSCME orientation for new members.
    • Compensation project focused on professional level positions.
Outcome Measure 3B4:
  1. Employer branding toolkit from Energage is used on the external HRTM web page, the HRTM intranet site, and on position advertisements promoting BSU as an employer of choice and celebrating BSU’s strengths as an employer.
  2. Energage survey data has been used by university divisions to develop institutional and divisional programming and services.
  3. HRTM and the Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Communication have collaborated to develop a promotional video which showcases BSU values.
Outcome Measure 3B5:
  1. HRTM has used professional organizations and networks to stay apprised of the evolution of work and workplace trends, best practices are proposed – inclusive of required resources and an implementation plan – and submitted for approval.
Outcome Measure 3B6:
  1. HRTM has delivered a training program for the University which provides a framework for developing innovation with divisions and departments.
  2. Divisions and departments structure time and meeting agendas to focus solely on discussing, testing, and developing innovative ideas.
  3. A program and criteria have been developed for a Presidential Innovation Award, which is awarded annually to faculty, librarians, and staff.

Commitment 3C1: Develop a robust career and job coaching program that:

  1. Provides career management tools.
  2. Offers job enrichment strategies.

Commitment 3C2: Create and promote a holistic employee wellness program that:

  1. Provides opportunities and programming for employee physical well-being.
  2. Provides and promotes resources for employee mental health, in partnership with the Mental Health Task Force and with external partners.
  3. Supports other areas and develops programming for employee well-being including spiritual well-being, financial well-being, and work/life integration.

Objective 3C: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 3C1:
  1. Career inventory, assessments, coaches, and other tools are available and accessible to employees through the Talent Development intranet site and employee participation is tracked.
  2. HRTM has produced job enrichment education and guidance to assist managers in enhancing positions resulting in improved employee engagement.
Outcome Measure 3C2:
  1. Wellness education and activities promoting physical well-being offered by Employee Wellness Committee – trail walks, fitness court, walking groups, group exercise classes – and employee participation is tracked.
  2. All employees have participated in Kognito and Mental Health First Aid training; Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and other resources are easily accessible for all employees on the HRTM intranet page.
  3. Wellness education and activities promoting holistic and alternative well-being strategies – stress management, reiki, mediums, yoga, financial literacy, and self-care – are offered by the Employee Wellness Committee.

Commitment 3D1: Analyze best practices in the use of technologies and space to create flexible work environments that improve efficiency, employee well-being, and student success.

Commitment 3D2: Create, regularly update, and disseminate a new work paradigm policy and practices document that integrates newly gained knowledge and technologies.

Commitment 3D3: Advance programming that improves employee well-being in all work settings created as part of the new work paradigm.

Commitment 3D4: Invest in the technological and space-related tools required to improve outcomes within the new work paradigm.

Objective 3D: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 3D1:

HRTM utilizes technologies focused on efficient and effective processes allowing employees to be productive, impactful, and engaged.

Outcome Measure 3D2:

The University has identified new work paradigm items and has adopted practices, policies, and procedures to provide a flexible work environment to employees.

Outcome Measure 3D3:

Wellness programming and employee participation is a university norm with all employees engaged and barriers to program participation and attendance are eliminated.

Outcome Measure 3D4:

The University utilizes technologies focused on efficient and effective processes allowing employees to be productive, impactful, and engaged regardless of space and technology limitations.

Commitment 3E1: Integrate and explore technologies to:

  1. Improve processes such as electronic signature, electronic workflow in new hire paperwork, human resources actions, overtime processing, and electronic offer letters.
  2. Explore and implement new technologies to improve practice.

Commitment 3E2: Explore and advance strategies to work differently, improving process efficiencies to include:

  1. Conduct a business process analysis of the part-time faculty hiring process to identify opportunities for improvement and efficiencies through the use of technology.
  2. Conduct a business process analysis of the temporary and hourly hiring process to identify opportunities for improvement and efficiencies through the use of technology.

Commitment 3E3: Create analytics education programming and implementation through a partnership between Human Resources and Talent Management and Institutional Research.

Objective 3E: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 3E1:
  1. HR processes are electronic using digital signatures and are filed using digital workflows.
  2. HRTM assesses its business processes and technologies to ensure efficient and effective processes. Through the HRTM IT liaison, it partners with IT to regularly assess and identify available technologies to improve practice.
Outcome Measure 3E2:
  1. A business process analysis of the part-time faculty hiring process has been conducted with improvements to process and technology recommended.
  2. A business process analysis of temporary and hourly hiring has been conducted with improvements to process and technology recommended.
Outcome Measure 3E3:
  1. An HRTM data team partners with Institutional Research to create a workforce dashboard which can produce institutional, divisional, and departmental data that will inform workforce decision-making.
Fred Clark, President of BSU, Lech Walesa, former President of Poland and Dr Jean Macormack, Board of Trustee raise hands at end of speaking engagement.

Goal Four

Serve as a regional catalyst for economic, cultural, and intellectual engagement.

Bridgewater State University is the central resource and convener for economic, cultural, and intellectual engagement and outreach in Southeastern Massachusetts. The University, through service, research, and education, enriches the region and its citizens.

Commitment 4A1: Support development of the Town of Bridgewater’s Comprehensive Master Plan and the Town’s planning efforts.

Commitment 4A2: Work with Town of Bridgewater to imagine and create an Opportunity Zone and to develop a college-town atmosphere.

Commitment 4A3: Engage Bridgewater business owners with events on campus to create incentive programs and develop a college-town atmosphere.

Commitment 4A4: Convene ”Boots on the Ground” meetings annually with the Town of Bridgewater, in order to partner on safety and well-being of the town and university communities.

Commitment 4A5: Foster relationships with the Town of Bridgewater and the Bridgewater/Raynham School District to advance resources for current and future students.

Objective 4A: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 4A1:
  1. Record of participation at Town of Bridgewater’s planning meetings as appropriate to 2028.
  2. Record of partnership on the Town of Bridgewater Master Plan as appropriate to 2028.
  3. Record of partnerships with local government leaders and public agency officials.
Outcome Measure 4A2:

Record of partnership on the creation of a Town of Bridgewater Opportunity Zone and a college-town atmosphere to 2028.

Outcome Measure 4A3:

Record of partnership with community businesses and community business organizations to 2028.

Outcome Measure 4A4:

Record of participation and sponsorship at Town of Bridgewater “Boots on the Ground” meetings.

Outcome Measure 4A5:

Record of partnership with the Town of Bridgewater and Bridgewater/Raynham School district in advancing resources for current and future students.

Commitment 4B1: Inventory and promote a comprehensive list of current K-12 programs and initiatives in Gateway Communities.

Commitment 4B2: Increase opportunities for college access for students in Gateway Communities through Early College, expanding to 500 students served per year by 2028.

Commitment 4B3: Advance the Grow Your Own Teachers initiative across the region.

Commitment 4B4: Partner with mentoring and college preparatory organizations such as Coaching for Change, YMCA, and Bottom Line to improve access to college.

Commitment 4B5: Identify strategic partnerships with key organizations within Gateway Communities.

Commitment 4B6: Expand the role of the Institute for Cape Verdean Studies in Gateway Communities.

Commitment 4B7: Explore the future of the Attleboro Campus.

Commitment 4B8: Build relationships and partnerships with key elected and appointed officials with our five regional Gateway Communities.

Objective 4B: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 4B1:

Complete inventory by June 2024.

Outcome Measure 4B2:

Annual documentation of progress toward the final goal of 500 students served per year by 2028.

Outcome Measure 4B3:

Record of partnership and grant building with CONNECT and other partners on Grow Your Own Teachers Initiatives.

Outcome Measure 4B4:

Record of college access focused partnerships with organizations such as Coaching for Change, YMCA, and Bottom Line.

Outcome Measure 4B5:

Record of collaboration and partnership with key Gateway Communities’ organizations.

Outcome Measure 4B6:

Complete plan and implementation for the expansion of the Institute for Cape Verdean Studies in Gateway Communities by 2026.

Outcome Measure 4B7:

Complete plan for the future of the Attleboro campus by 2026.

Outcome Measure 4B8:

Record of partnerships with key elected and appointed officials in Gateway Communities.

Commitment 4C1: Collaborate within the CONNECT Partnership to lead economic, educational, and workforce development goals.

Commitment 4C2: Partner with chambers of commerce to support regional economic development.

Commitment 4C3: Work with regional organizations to advance citizen well-being, college access, and economic mobility.

Commitment 4C4: Foster strong relationships with organizations across the region to support workforce development.

Objective 4C: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 4C1:

Record of collaboration within the CONNECT Partnership to lead economic, educational, and workforce development goals.

Outcome Measure 4C2:

Record of partnerships with chambers of commerce to support regional development.

Outcome Measure 4C3:

Record of partnership with regional organizations to advance citizen well-being, college access, and economic mobility.

Outcome Measure 4C4:

Record of partnerships with organizations across the region to support workforce development.

Commitment 4D1: Offer engagement opportunities in visual and performance arts, STEM, athletics, music, and other educational areas to youth and adults.

Commitment 4D2: Build community education programs, such as speaker series opportunities, to meet regional needs.

Commitment 4D3: Expand the impact and reach of Senior College.

Objective 4D: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 4D1:

Creation and implementation of a comprehensive plan to advance engagement opportunities to area youth and adults.

Outcome Measure 4D2:

Creation and implementation of a plan to provide educational programming to the region.

Outcome Measure 4D3:

Increase geographic reach of and participation in Senior College.

Campus and community leaders stand united at a rally for peace held on the Boyden quad

Goal Five

Lead and catalyze equity and social justice within Bridgewater State University, our region, state, and nation.

As an institution committed to actualizing its values of diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice, with a special responsibility to critically examine the impact of systemic racism resulting in disparate experiences and outcomes, BSU will continue to: expand equal access to college and learning opportunities; examine and implement policies, practices, and culture that promote equity at BSU; develop and scale innovative practices that close institutional equity performance gaps; and collaboratively create and disseminate new knowledge and understanding that contributes to more equitable and just outcomes for all marginalized groups at BSU and colleges and universities across the United States.

Commitment 5A1: Offer ongoing equity training and workshops to leadership teams in order to develop the leadership competencies necessary to advance its equity agenda.

Commitment 5A2: Integrate measurable equity goals, action steps, and accountability into its institutional planning and implementation.

Commitment 5A3: Foster integration of equity goals throughout the entire nested components of the BSU strategic planning process, including within divisional, college, departmental, and program plans.

Objective 5A: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 5A1:

BSU Trustees, President’s Cabinet, and Leadership Council will be encouraged to participate in equity-minded training and workshops on an annual basis intended to grow their equity-minded leadership competencies.

Outcome Measure 5A2:

All divisions of the University will identify and report progress toward advancing equity goals on an annual basis. BSU will launch a revitalized Campus Climate survey by 2025.

Outcome Measure 5A3:

All strategic plans will identify and include measurable equity goals that complement and advance those described in the institutional strategic plan.

Commitment 5B1: Curricula and co-curricula.

Commitment 5B2: BSU workforce.

Commitment 5B3: Education, training, and continued learning opportunities for faculty, librarians, staff, and students.

Commitment 5B4: Investing in and supporting students’ administrative and organizational support structures.

Commitment 5B5: Police and public safety.

Commitment 5B6: Creating a place of ongoing support, problem solving, reporting resolution, and response.

Objective 5B: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 5B1:
  1. Cyclical academic program reviews will include equity as a key consideration during the self-study process.
  2. In keeping with the goals of the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education (DHE), advancing equity will be encouraged in the Core Curriculum.
  3. In keeping with the goals of the DHE, advancing equity will be encouraged in the revision of courses and academic programs as well as in the development of new courses and programs that do not require DHE approval.
  4. All co-curricular programs and activities will explicitly focus on advancing equity as a key consideration.
Outcome Measure 5B2:
  1. The Racial Justice Taskforce recommendations focused on BSU’s workforce will be advanced through the outcomes listed in Objective 3A of this plan.
Outcome Measure 5B3:
  1. New and revitalized programming will be created and regularly assessed to enhance our ability to actualize our institutional values and increase our equity-minded competencies.
  2. A master schedule of equity training opportunities across campus will be created and made available for the campus community.
  3. A student equity and inclusion recognition program will be created.
Outcome Measure 5B4:
  1. Continue to offer students opportunities to offer feedback on the University’s equity efforts and receive updates on BSU’s equity goals and progress.
  2. Student leadership on the topic of racial equity and justice at BSU will be fostered on an annual basis through the Student Racial Equity Council as well as opportunities for leadership development offered by the Martin Richard Institute for Social Justice (MRISJ).
Outcome Measure 5B5:
  1. BSU will continue to lead through racially just policing practices and document progress annually.
  2. BSU will continue to advance equitable practice through the role of a community liaison and document progress and activities annually.
Outcome Measure 5B6:
  1. An Ombuds Office will be piloted for members of the MSCA as a first step toward making it a university-wide resource.
  2. Affinity-based employee resources groups will be established to offer supports and services to all employee groups.

Commitment 5C1: Provide consultation and support to REJI-member campuses to aid them in creating, implementing, and assessing their racial equity action plans.

Commitment 5C2: Provide equity-minded competency development resources to campuses across the nation.

Commitment 5C3: Identify practices that are advancing racial equity at member campuses and disseminate these practices nation-wide.

Commitment 5C4: Emphasize equity-minded model development focused on infusing equity-minded institutional practices more fully into the academy.

Objective 5C: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 5C1:
  1. Encourage inclusive participation in BSU’s Racial Equity and Justice Institute (REJI) learning community on an annual basis.
  2. Ensure faculty and librarian equity-minded perspectives and interests are infused into the REJI through the leadership of a Faculty Director.
  3. Offer in-person and/or virtual convenings on an annual basis featuring national equity leaders who will offer actionable tools for equity-minded practice.
  4. Post jobs available at REJI campuses and organizations that advance racial equity on REJI.
Outcome Measure 5C2:
  1. Continue to provide members of the consortium an annual curriculum and the REJI’s racial equity action plan process to use as members identify and implement campus-specific racial equity goals.
  2. Provide extensive print and video resources on REJI website to BSU and other member campuses and organizations.
  3. Share availability of resources via social media and print publications.
  4. Begin to track the downloads of REJI equity resources.
Outcome Measure 5C3:
  1. Invite submissions for REJI’s peer-reviewed, free-access practitioner handbook from BSU and other member campuses and organizations for publication and dissemination on a regular basis.
  2. Share effective practices emanating from BSU’s REJI members through the Action newsletter.
  3. Provide an overview of signature racial equity activities of member campuses and organizations via the REJI website.
Outcome Measure 5C4:
  1. Apply for grant funding to allow the development and dissemination of research-based best practices focused on equity-minded institutional transformation practices.

Commitment 5D1: Provide consultation and support to REJI-member campuses to aid them in creating, implementing, and assessing their racial equity action plans.

  1. Increase enrollment of students of color.
  2. Increase sense of belonging for students of color.
  3. Increase persistence to a second year of postsecondary education for students of color.
  4. Increase timely completion of gateway courses for students of color.
  5. Increase on-time credit completion for students of color.
  6. Increase transfer rates from community colleges to universities for students of color.
  7. Increase degree/certificate completion for all students of color.
  8. Increase social and economic mobility for students of color.

Commitment 5D2: Provide equity-minded competency development resources to campuses across the nation.

  1. Establish the infrastructure to drive racial equity.
  2. Transform institutional cultures to be equity-minded.
  3. Increase access to higher education for students of color.
  4. Build a culturally-relevant, civically-engaged education experience for students of color.
  5. Prepare students of color to thrive beyond their time in higher education.

Objective 5D: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 5D1:

All of the DHE Equity Agenda goals have been integrated into BSU’s Strategic Plan 2.0. They will also be jointly reviewed on an annual basis to assure progress. The DHE Equity Agenda, Student Success Frameworks, and the Performance Measurement Reporting System (PMRS) inform and enhance the student success goals and objectives also included in Goal 1 of BSU’s Strategic Plan 2.0.

Outcome Measure 5D2:
  1. 1) Continue to orient all new members of the Board of Trustees to Bridgewater State University’s commitment to equity and the Racial Justice and Equity subcommittee of the Board of Trustees.
    2) Continue to provide institutional fiscal resources and personnel focused on advancing the institution’s equity goals in annual budgets.
    3) Continue to secure external grants and donor support in support of BSU’s equity goals.
  2. 1) Provide annual reports to the campus from Institutional Research offering disaggregated equity data focused on student outcomes with consultive support to apply this data to practice.
    2) Continue to integrate equity-mindedness into institutional Enterprise Risk Management processes on an annual basis.
    3) Provide ongoing professional development on equity-mindedness to BSU leadership.
  3. 1) Develop an enrollment management plan for Gateway Communities.
    2) Continue and expand BSU’s Dual Enrollment and Early College programs.
    3) Continue to infuse equity-mindedness into all enrollment processes and activities.
  4. 1) Equity-minded data will be gathered to ensure equitable rates of participation and outcomes for students engaged in BSU’s high-impact practices.
    2) Leverage the Martin Richard Institute for Social Justice and the Bartlett Professorship in Civics Education to enhance inclusive programming and opportunities for civic engagement.
  5. 1) Report to the President on work underway to infuse effective racial equity practices into BSU’s internship program.
    2) Obtain disaggregated data on rates of participation for the Career Services and Internship Program Office to ensure that resource utilization is reflective of BSU’s diverse student body.
    3) Develop program to offer students mentoring from external professionals and alumni reflective of their diverse identities.

Commitment 5E1: Support projects and initiatives to advance social justice education, social change action, and civic education through university partnerships.

Commitment 5E2: Provide educational and student leadership opportunities through programs such as the Justice Fellows program, immersion opportunities, and other campus and community-based learning opportunities for social change.

Commitment 5E3: Support faculty and librarian development for teaching, scholarship, and service through the annual Martin Richard Institute for Social Justice (MRISJ) Faculty Institute, MRISJ faculty and librarian mini-grants, and other professional development opportunities.

Commitment 5E4: Promote civic engagement to the larger BSU community through the Civic Speaker Series, voter education and registration events, service opportunities, and community engaged learning opportunities with local partner organizations.

Commitment 5E5: Cultivate resource development opportunities in partnership with the BSU Foundation for individual donations and philanthropic grants to support social justice, social change, and civic engagement opportunities on campus and the local community.

Objective 5E: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 5E1:
  1. Create an inventory and plan to advance programming and initiatives through BSU academic and administrative departments by 2025.
  2. Provide an annual report of completed education and student leadership opportunities.
Outcome Measure 5E2:
  1. Create a list of opportunities and share them with faculty and librarians each semester.
  2. Document outcomes from grant activities by 2024.
  3. Provide an annual report of completed activities.
Outcome Measure 5E3:
  1. Create a plan to advance civic education by 2024.
  2. Provide an annual report of completed activities.
Outcome Measure 5E4:
  1. Meet at least bi-annually to create and advance a plan to cultivate resource opportunities by 2024.

Commitment 5F1: Advance the EXCEL Program at BSU, serving as a model for educational attainment and workforce development for students with differing abilities.

Commitment 5F2: Provide outreach through the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center (MARC), Children’s Physical Developmental Clinic (CPDC), and other community-focused initiatives that expand equity.

Objective 5F: Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures 5F1:

Create a plan to advance the EXCEL program by 2025.

Outcome Measure 5F2:

Create and share annual reports of service programs by 2025.

Strategic Plan 2.0

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